Awaken Your Authentic Self® with Tracy Radley
Are you on the path to Awaken Your Authentic Self® and Live Your Soul Inspired Life? I'm here to assist you.
Hi, I’m Tracy Radley and I'm so blessed you have been guided to my website. It has been written from my heart and soul direct to yours. It contains the essence of my being.
By scrolling through its pages you are connecting with my love and light. One soul to another. It is my gift to you as you further embark on your courageous journey to Self- Awakening.
It has taken years to put this site together, as there has been so many levels, layers, lessons and physical locations to my journey on and beyond this earth plane. Narrowing it down to a few paragraphs – oh man! So I surrendered to the truth. In my heart I know you will find what you need contained within its vibration. This is why you landed here.
Feel free to browse the pages to discover snippets of my journey, watch Light Language Transmission videos, and view my Light Language Activation Symbols and products. Everything here has been created through higher guidance for inspiration and support as you Let Your Inner Light Shine.
Sending you love on your journey.
Tracy, oxo
Please note: due to higher multidimensional, collective and ongoing self Soul intergration works there may be undefined periods of time when I, my products and services will not be available. In these times this site will remain available for upliftment and information only. I will be continuing to serve you all 24/7 behind the scenes. x

"My Awakening Journey" - Words of Encouragement
by Tracy Radley, living in Nepal 2013
"I am in the process of weeding my own garden. I am renewing my soil, creating my own truthful foundation so I grow, blossom and share the beauty of my flower with those around me".
"Through the challenges and expansion from my own weeding process, may my courage and determination inspire others to put on their gardening gloves and continue digging."
Quick Links

Shall our Souls meet person to person?
If you are located in or able to travel to the UK, Ireland or Europe possibly in late 2020/21, then Express Your Interest to receive information on upcoming LIVE Mentoring /Activation Events in your area.

Is Personalized Soul Mentoring Calling YOU?
Apply Now to "Experience" Uniquely Tailored, Intuitively Guided mentoring to help fast track your Self-Awakening journey. You don't have to do it alone! Further raise your awareness and vibration with loving support. Places limited.

Light Language Products for the Heart & Soul.
Intuitively guided products created with LOVE to assist your Self-Awakening journey. Complimenting each other, combine them and use as often as you feel guided to. Trust your flow. They evolve as you do! Sorry the store is currently unavailable.

Hi, I'm Tracy.
While I am referred to as many things across the globe, I am simply ME - Tracy. Spirit in a body. An ever expanding multidimensional being doing my best to further develop as my Soul led path continues to unfold, moment by moment. This page is being updated.
If you value my contribution to your journey or years of service to the greater awakening (via my multidimensional work behind the scenes), please show your support by placing a gift of exchange. All heartfelt offerings assist my ongoing unpaid work for us all.
There is no logical road map when Soul leads you home. Be brave and embrace the journey into the unknown.
- Tracy Radley